Wednesday, October 21, 2009

On to course 3!!

I am officially a week into the third chemo course. It feels good to get back on track and start crossing off these days one at a time. There are two main drugs that they are using in this course (it should have been 3 but they eliminated the one that causes the neuropathy and numbness in my fingers and toes.....that's good news for my dreams to become a concert pianist). The good news is that the drugs don't affect my blood counts quite as much so I don't have to go in for transfusions quite as frequently. The bad news is that I have had terrible morning sickness (think Arnold in 'Junior'.....still think the Academy robbed that fine piece of art). I have trouble keeping food down, but really just in the morning then I get progressively better as the day goes on. piece of big personal news: Hanna and I set our wedding date for April 10th!!! I am beyond pumped to spend my life with her and can't wait for that amanzing day and every amazing day that will come after. Its less than 6 months away so it is gonna come up pretty quickly.....yikes, i had better start practicing some crazy entry dance to "Thriller" or another 80s classic. that I can put on youtube and gain mediocre fame for. Speaking of time flying by, my friends Colin and Kathleen are getting married this weekned. It's going to be beautiful and I am really looking forward to spending the weekend with their amazing friends and family. I am still unable to put weight on (if only Mcdonalds sold Shamrock Shakes all year round) so I will have to try to beef up for the next few days to get into my tux. I am realy proud of both Colin and Kathleen and am excited to be a part of their lives together.

My dad has had some good news recently. He had been on a chemo drug that was administered 24/7. So he had to carry with him a box with a tube and a needle that was incredibly demoralizing and frustrating. The hospital was able to replace that pump with some pills. This will give him so much more freedom and peace of mind. Praise God! He has a blog at

Thanks again to Kelly Fisher and the rest of my high school class and senior officers for organizing a fundraiser to help me through this ordeal. It will be part of our 10 year reunion (can't believe I'm an old man) over Thanksgiving weekend. Check it out at

I am currently trying to get permission from the State to work part-time from home. There is lots of paperwork and red tape involved and papers signed just to get new papers (ahhh....government work). Pray that I will be able to work a little bit in the near future. It will give me peace of mind

I guess that is my update for now. I can't believe that I have been fighting this beast for over 4 months now.....some days it even feels like a lot longer. But, I can't stop until the end is in sight. And now there is April 10th to focus on!! This fight is tiring, boring at times, and incredibly scary so thanks from the bottom of my heart for sharing it with me.

much love and ALL will be well

"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater."


  1. Excellent news...ALL AROUND!!! I ve got April 10th on the calendar, re right that will come so quick!..So happy for you both. Never saw Junior...guess I am missing out :)
    This will all soon be another past adventure in your life, and we are ALL right there with you.
    Much love!
    Go Phils!

  2. Still thinking about you and praying for you every day friend. I don't know if I will make it to the 5k, but I hope to see you sometime soon!

  3. we're on our way outta this, dan :)

    "even though sometimes this is hard to tell, and the fight is just as frustrating as hell. ALL will be well"

  4. Hey Dan it's Leah Ramsay. Congratulations on setting the date! That is wonderful news. Love you.

  5. Congratulations for such good news!!!! And don´t forget to take tons of pictures from Colin's wedding :)) I am sure you will have a great day!!!

    Muxus from Las Palmas

  6. Hi Dan - My husband is also a patient of Claxton...being treated for AML. I think we've seen you at Day Hospital, so I just wanted to say Hi, and give you our blog address in case you're interested. Jeff has already been through a transplant...might be interesting reading for you.

    Jamie Eckert

  7. hooray Dan! Don't worry, I'll give you lessons if you still want to become a concert pianist...

    Sally told me about your best buddy being down here in tuscaloosa! WHAT are the odds?

    miss you, bro. stay strong!

  8. Dan - I should have mentioned that we're from St. Marys, and some of my family knows some of your future in-laws. Best wishes...
